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Hustlers, it might be easy to conclude that it sets up a bunch of dominos

Ramona’s introduction also sets in motion everything else the film wants to explore, from its interest in the mechanics of selling sex — a later scene will break down just how Ramona seems to ignore gravity — to its razor-sharp dissection of the days leading up to the 2008 financial crisis and the way America hollowed out afterward. The crimes these women commit feel scummy and desperate because their country has grown scummy and desperate. To Hustlers’ credit, it almost never says, “See? The real criminals are the guys on Wall Street.” Nobody gets out of this movie clean.

Examining the prosaic, workaday nature of crime has long been the provenance of the mob drama, perhaps never so memorably as in Martin Scorsese’s 1990 classic GoodfellasHustlers asks what a movie like Goodfellas looks like with women at the center of the story (up to and including a very funny cooking montage where Destiny and Ramona try to perfect the drug that will let them knock out fatcats so they can rip those fatcats off). But it also never loses sight of how the schemes these women undertake are just that. They may be desperate, but that doesn’t make anything they do admirable.

When thinking back over Hustlers, it might be easy to conclude that it sets up a bunch of dominos it never lets fall, as in an early montage showing the three different types of Wall Street guys Destiny and Ramona interact with throughout the movie. It definitely contains sequences that made the final cut only because they’re fun, not because they’re necessary to the plot (not that this is a bad thing). But don’t ignore the way Scafaria and her team position the whole world as a series of transactions, ones you can exploit if you know what to sell. Ramona and Destiny may not have found cheat codes for gravity, but they did discover a way to hack this particular game’s economic model. For a while, at least.

I realize that all sounds headier than Hustlers’ marketing would have you believe, but I assure you this is a tremendously entertaining movie. It’s being sold just a bit as a girl power anthem. But a more accurate way to describe it would be as that sad song from the end of the show, the one where the singer tells you a story about the best friend she used to know and doesn’t talk to anymore, and when the lights come up and you’re filing out of the theater, you think, “Girl, call her.”


Preside Maru Campos Desfile conmemorativo por el 214 Aniversario del Inicio del Movimiento de Independencia

La gobernadora Maru Campos presidió la celebración del Desfile Cívico-Militar, conmemorativo por el 214 Aniversario del inicio del Movimiento de Independencia en México, que se llevó a cabo en las principales calles y avenidas de la ciudad de Chihuahua.

En total marcharon más de 4 mil personas: 380 elementos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional y Guardia Nacional, 1,330 de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal (SSPE) y la Policía Municipal, y 2 mil 200 civiles de planteles educativos y asociaciones, entre otros. 
Durante el acto, la mandataria estatal estuvo acompañada por el General de Brigada, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Rubén Zamudio Matías, comandante de la 5/a Zona Militar, así como por miembros del Gabinete del Gobierno del Estado.

La titular del Ejecutivo, además interactuó con algunas de las miles de familias que se dieron cita en las inmediaciones de la Plaza del Ángel, con las que se tomó la tradicional fotografía del recuerdo.

En el recorrido que inició en punto de las 10:00 horas, tomaron parte además elementos del Cuerpo de Bomberos, dos helicópteros de la SSPE, 162 vehículos, 6 cuatrimotos, 38 motocicletas, 33 bicicletas, 20 jinetes de la Policía Montada y 22 canes.

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