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Ne Zha crams in a plethora of contemporary and pop culture

Chinese animated feature Ne Zha is based extremely loosely on the ancient legend of Nezha, a mystical defender born during the Shang dynasty. However, it’s about as accurate to the old tales as Disney’s Hercules was to the original Greek myths. At heart, it’s really a very standard tale of a flawed young rebel growing into the hero he is born to be. It’s a magical epic with the requisite broad comedy flourishes, many of them provided by Jiaming as Taiyi Zhenren. He’s the bumbling immortal who set this flawed version of events in motion by foolishly ignoring the machinations of his brother, Shen Gongbao (Wei), and counterbalances the Tasmanian Devil verve of young Nezha as he grapples with his powers and his irresponsible nature. Plus, whatever happened to the other half of that magical pearl?

Conventionally animated but paced with kinetic glee, Ne Zha crams in a plethora of contemporary and pop culture references (the opening sequence throws in an ahistorical gag about fingerprint log-in and a straight-up Terminator riff), and in those moments it’s at its least fun and most obvious. It’s also a little overindulgently long, and can seemingly never resist cramming in more character, like a pair of comedic jade temple guardians and a cadre of rebellious teenage villagers who scheme of a series of Rube Goldberg-esque traps to stop Nezha from tearing up the city one more time.

All those elements are a blast, but distract from where Ne Zha is most fun and most endearing, with the demon-child’s loyal parents trying to work out how to keep him from darkness and eventual electrocution, leading to some sweet child-friendly message about fate and friendship. Plus Taiyi and his flying pig are just plain adorable


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Preside Maru Campos Desfile conmemorativo por el 214 Aniversario del Inicio del Movimiento de Independencia

La gobernadora Maru Campos presidió la celebración del Desfile Cívico-Militar, conmemorativo por el 214 Aniversario del inicio del Movimiento de Independencia en México, que se llevó a cabo en las principales calles y avenidas de la ciudad de Chihuahua.

En total marcharon más de 4 mil personas: 380 elementos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional y Guardia Nacional, 1,330 de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal (SSPE) y la Policía Municipal, y 2 mil 200 civiles de planteles educativos y asociaciones, entre otros. 
Durante el acto, la mandataria estatal estuvo acompañada por el General de Brigada, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Rubén Zamudio Matías, comandante de la 5/a Zona Militar, así como por miembros del Gabinete del Gobierno del Estado.

La titular del Ejecutivo, además interactuó con algunas de las miles de familias que se dieron cita en las inmediaciones de la Plaza del Ángel, con las que se tomó la tradicional fotografía del recuerdo.

En el recorrido que inició en punto de las 10:00 horas, tomaron parte además elementos del Cuerpo de Bomberos, dos helicópteros de la SSPE, 162 vehículos, 6 cuatrimotos, 38 motocicletas, 33 bicicletas, 20 jinetes de la Policía Montada y 22 canes.

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